
获得独家折扣与D.C. Bar Member Benefits

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Conference Calling

省钱,更智能地与InterCall沟通, 成本效益的沟通工具,为每个公司, large or small. 所有会员均可获得音频和网络会议的独家会员价格.  

作为全球最大的会议服务提供商, InterCall®已准备好帮助您的公司节省时间和金钱,世界级的会议解决方案,从简单的音频会议到尖端的网络会议平台,如WebEx®和Microsoft Live Meeting®.

没有合同需要签署,也没有最低支出要求,所以今天就注册吧! 请在上午8点致电会员会议中心1-800-514-2818.m–8 p.m. EST or visit the website to enroll.

The District of Columbia Bar obtains discounts to our partners' offerings as a benefit of membership; disclaims liability for all of our partners' products and services; and does not make any representations, warranties, endorsements, 或有关我们任何合作伙伴的产品和服务的建议. In some instances, the D.C. 酒吧可以从会员购买的产品和服务中获得非会费特许权使用费收入.

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